Behind the Brand
While at a race in 2018, there were a few shirt mishaps I had witnessed, some coming untucked in the back creating unpleasant pictures or a distraction. There were shirts that got hooked on the saddle horn causing a wreck or loosing time in a run. And mainly it was the showing off body parts you don't want to show off. I made the comment “I need to invent a comfortable body suit that has the same classic traditional rodeo look”. Fast forward to Jan 2019 that's what I did and here's how it came about:
In Sept and Oct of 2018 I had to have back to back surgery on placement of stents in my iliac vein that runs from top of my left thigh across my abdomen to right below my rib cage on the right side. Due to developing a blood clot in my groin when I was 37 weeks pregnant with my youngest daughter Staheli. I have a blood disease called Factor Five Leiden were my blood clots really easy and I also have May-Thurner Syndrome which is a condition that causes the left iliac vein in your pelvis to narrow because of pressure from the right common iliac artery. Doctors all gave me the pre caution not to ride horses or run barrels anymore as I am on blood thinners for life now. So with thinking I couldn't do those things anymore I wanted to stay connected to the world I and my family love. So I decided to venture into the scary fashion/apparel world that I was not familiar with, I had only a idea and a goal!
I started doodling over the winter to see if I could come up with some solutions to more than just those issues, like how hot and stiff traditional ones are, how tight through the arms and shoulders they can be for broader girls (like myself) and many others. I asked a handy seamstress friend of mine to help piece some bottoms to some shirts and that got me an idea of how the process was gonna go and then I found a Product designer/developer and we were able to figure out the fit, pattern and material to use to keep things comfortable as a body suit while in the saddle. And a solution to all those pesky other issues. We found that the double brushed poly material for the body was so comfortable, it was breathable and moisture wicking and something new to the rodeo world. But I wanted to keep the look of traditional rodeo shirt so I kept the trim, collar and cuffs the same material so it can be ironed and starched and keep the same classy traditional rodeo look, but be much more functional and comfortable. I met with a patent attorney in July of 2019 and have all provisionary documents filled and am officially patent pending protected. I am also trademarked , so “KINGSVILLE BRAND” is officially mine. I am beyond excited for the new product I have finished and have in production and I hope you all love it as much as I do.
I started riding again July of 2019, got a partial “ok” from the the compromise was wearing a helmet, and I’ll take it. Because life is to short to be anything but happy and to follow your dreams and goals. I want my daughters and anyone else that has struggles with their health or any other issues, to know that anything is possible if you work hard at it and never give up. I have a goal to produce an amazing rodeo shirt, live life to the fullest, enjoy my family, be happy and stay healthy. Thanks for supporting me thus far, I am so excited for the rest of this journey. Update: I was able to get off of blood thinners and am back to riding and competing and living life to the fullest, although this shirt was started from thinking I couldn't ride anymore, I couldn't be happier to keep the juggling act going. I am beyond blessed to be healthy and able to do all the things I love.
MacKenzie King -Owner